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Japan Life Style

Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

AKB48 Video New Ship Pv With Melody JKT48 (Click Here)

Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Matsui Clan

History (English Languange)

Matsui clan originated from the sun god Amaterasu Omikami
The oldest tales of Amaterasu come from the ca. 680 AD Kojiki and ca. 720 AD Nihon Shoki, the oldest records of Japanese history. In Japanese mythology, Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, is the sister of Susanoo, the god of storms and the sea, and ofTsukuyomi, the god of the moon. All three were born from Izanagi, when he was purifying himself after entering Yomi, the underworld, after failing to save Izanami. Amaterasu was born when Izanagi washed out his left eye, Tsukuyomi was born from the washing of the right eye, and Susanoo from the washing of the nose.
She became the ruler of the sun and the heavens along with her brother, Tsukuyomi, the god of the moon and ruler of the night. Originally, Amaterasu shared the sky with Tsukuyomi, her husband and brother until, out of disgust, he killed the goddess of food,Uke Mochi, when she pulled "food from her rectum, nose, and mouth" [2] This killing upset Amaterasu causing her to label Tsukuyomi an evil god and split away from him; separating night from day.
The texts also tell of a long-standing rivalry between Amaterasu and her other brother, Susanoo. When he was to leave Heaven by orders of Izanagi, he went to bid his sister goodbye. Amaterasu was suspicious, but when Susanoo proposed a challenge to prove his sincerity, she accepted. Each of them took an object of the other's and from it birthed gods and goddesses. Amaterasu birthed three women from Susanoo's sword while he birthed five men from her necklace. Claiming the gods were hers because they were born of her necklace, and the goddesses were his, she decided that she had won the challenge, as his item produced women. The two were content for a time, but her brother became restless and went on a rampage, destroying Amaterasu's rice fields, hurling a flayed pony at her loom, and killing one of her attendants in a fit of rage. Amaterasu, who was in fury and grief, hid inside the Ama-no-Iwato ("heavenly rock cave"), thus effectively hiding the sun for a long period of time. Though she was persuaded to leave the cave, Susanoo was punished by being banished from Heaven. Both later amended their conflict when Susanoo gave her the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi sword as a reconciliation gift.
According to legend, Amaterasu bequeathed to her descendant Ninigi the Yata no Kagami mirror, Yasakani no Magatama jewel or orb, and the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi sword. This sacred mirror, jewel, and sword collectively became the three Imperial Regalia of Japan.

[edit]Worshipping the Sun Goddess                                                                       

The Ise Shrine located in HonshūJapan houses the inner shrine, Naiku dedicated to Amaterasu. Her sacred mirror, Yata no Kagami is said to be kept at this shrine as one of the Imperial Regalia of Japan. At this shrine, a ceremony known as Shikinen Sengu is held every 20 years to honor Amaterasu. The main shrine buildings are destroyed and rebuilt at a location adjacent to the site. New clothing and food is then offered to the goddess. This practice is a part of the Shinto faith and has been practiced since the 690s.
The worship of Amaterasu to the exclusion of other kami has been described as "the cult of the sun".[3] This phrase can also refer to the early pre-archipelagoan worship of the sun itself.[3]
Clan Matsui is one rather than offspring of Amaterasu Omikami.
Matsui Clan born of a woman named Matsui. Matsui was a female descendant of Amaterasu omikami (the sun god). Matsui one day broke away from the empire and was married to the Devil Tengu.
of marriage they were both born descendants of the mysterious power that can control all the elements on earth. but Matsui Clan of descendants survived only two people. Because all descendants Matsui clan massacred by a group of masked ninja gray night. At the time of the massacre were born two children named Ryuzaki Naufal Matsui and Jurina Matsui.To ensure their security they are separated into east and west. Ryuzaki Naufal Matsui sent to china southern Yunan region.while Jurina sent to the Aichi In Japan.
This is the remaining two children out of Matsui Clan. And and they are rumored to have the power of the eyes is very powerful.

Sejarah (Bahasa Indonesia)
Matsui klan berasal dari dewa matahari Amaterasu Omikami
Cerita tertua dari Amaterasu berasal dari ca. 680 AD Kojiki dan ca. 720 AD Nihon Shoki, catatan tertua dari sejarah Jepang. Dalam mitologi Jepang, Amaterasu, dewi matahari, adalah adik dari Susanoo, dewa badai dan laut, dan ofTsukuyomi, dewa bulan. Ketiganya lahir dari Izanagi, ketika ia menyucikan diri setelah memasuki Yomi, dunia bawah, setelah gagal untuk menyelamatkan Izanami. Amaterasu lahir ketika Izanagi mencuci mata kirinya, Tsukuyomi lahir dari pencucian mata kanan, dan Susanoo dari mencuci hidung.
Dia menjadi penguasa matahari dan langit bersama dengan kakaknya, Tsukuyomi, dewa bulan dan penguasa malam. Awalnya, Amaterasu berbagi langit dengan Tsukuyomi, suaminya dan saudara sampai, keluar dari jijik, dia membunuh dewi makanan, Mochi Uke, ketika dia menarik "makanan dari rektum nya, hidung, dan mulut" [2] pembunuhan ini marah Amaterasu menyebabkan dia untuk label Tsukuyomi tuhan yang jahat dan memisahkan diri darinya, malam memisahkan dari hari.
Teks-teks ini juga menceritakan persaingan lama antara Amaterasu dan saudara yang lain, Susanoo. Ketika ia meninggalkan Surga dengan urutan Izanagi, ia pergi untuk menawar selamat tinggal adiknya. Amaterasu curiga, tapi ketika Susanoo mengusulkan tantangan untuk membuktikan ketulusannya, dia diterima. Masing-masing dari mereka mengambil sebuah objek dari yang lain dan dari itu dewa dan dewi melahirkan. Amaterasu melahirkan tiga wanita dari pedang Susanoo saat ia melahirkan lima orang dari kalungnya. Mengklaim para dewa itu miliknya karena mereka lahir dari kalungnya, dan dewi itu miliknya, ia memutuskan bahwa ia telah memenangkan tantangan, sebagai item nya diproduksi wanita. Kedua adalah konten untuk sementara waktu, tapi kakaknya menjadi gelisah dan mengamuk, menghancurkan sawah Amaterasu itu, melemparkan kuda poni dikuliti di alat tenunnya, dan membunuh salah satu dari petugas di sebuah marah. Amaterasu, yang berada di kemarahan dan kesedihan, bersembunyi di dalam Ama-no-Iwato ("gua batu surgawi"), sehingga secara efektif menyembunyikan matahari untuk jangka waktu yang panjang. Meskipun ia dibujuk untuk meninggalkan gua, Susanoo dihukum dengan diusir dari Surga. Keduanya kemudian diubah konflik mereka ketika Susanoo memberinya pedang Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi sebagai hadiah rekonsiliasi.
Menurut legenda, Amaterasu diwariskan kepada keturunan nya Ninigi Yata no Kagami cermin, Yasakani no permata Magatama atau bola, dan pedang Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. Ini cermin suci, permata, dan pedang kolektif menjadi tiga Regalia Kekaisaran Jepang.
[Sunting] Beribadah Dewi Sun

Kuil Ise terletak di Honshu, Jepang rumah kuil batin, Naikū didedikasikan untuk Amaterasu. Cermin sucinya, Yata no Kagami dikatakan disimpan di kuil ini sebagai salah satu Regalia Kekaisaran Jepang. Di kuil ini, upacara yang dikenal sebagai Shikinen Sengu diadakan setiap 20 tahun untuk menghormati Amaterasu. Bangunan kuil utama dihancurkan dan dibangun kembali di lokasi yang berdekatan dengan situs. Pakaian baru dan makanan yang kemudian ditawarkan kepada dewi. Praktek ini adalah bagian dari iman Shinto dan telah dipraktekkan sejak 690s tersebut.
Menyembah Amaterasu dengan mengesampingkan Kami lainnya telah digambarkan sebagai "kultus matahari" [3] frase ini juga dapat mengacu pada ibadah pra-archipelagoan awal matahari itu sendiri.. [3]
Clan Matsui adalah salah satu daripada keturunan Amaterasu Omikami.
Matsui Clan lahir dari seorang wanita bernama Matsui. Matsui adalah keturunan perempuan Amaterasu omikami (dewa matahari). Matsui satu hari memisahkan diri dari kerajaan dan menikah dengan Tengu Iblis.
pernikahan mereka berdua keturunan yang lahir dari kekuatan misterius yang dapat mengontrol semua elemen di bumi. namun Matsui Clan keturunan bertahan hanya dua orang. Karena semua keturunan klan Matsui dibantai oleh sekelompok bertopeng malam kelabu ninja. Pada saat pembantaian lahir dua anak bernama Ryuzaki Naufal Matsui dan Jurina Matsui.To menjamin keamanan mereka, mereka dipisahkan menjadi timur dan barat. Ryuzaki Naufal Matsui dikirim ke china selatan Yunan region.while Jurina dikirim ke Aichi Di Jepang.
Ini adalah sisa dua anak keluar dari Matsui Clan. Dan  dan mereka dikabarkan memiliki kekuatan mata yang sangat kuat.

歴史 (日本人)

アマテラスの最古の物語は、CAから来ています。 680 ADの古事記およびca。 720 ADの日本書紀、日本の歴史の最も古い記録。日本の神話では、天照大神は、太陽の女神、スサノオ、嵐や海の神、そしてofTsukuyomi、月の神の妹です。彼はイザナミを保存するために失敗した後、黄泉、冥界を入力した後、自分自身を浄化されたときにすべての3つは、イザナギから生まれました。イザナギが左目を洗ったときに天照大神が生まれた、月読は右眼の洗浄、鼻の洗浄からスサノオから生まれました。
彼女は太陽の支配者となったと彼女の弟、月読、月の神、夜の支配者と一緒に天。嫌悪のうち、彼は食べ物、ウケ餅の女神を殺したまで、元々、天照大神は、彼女は "彼女の直腸からの食品、鼻、口を" [2]を引っ張ったときに、この殺害は天照大神を怒らせ、月読、夫と兄と一緒に空を共有彼女は月詠の邪神を標識するために引き起こして、彼から離れて分割;日から夜を分離する。
文章はまた、天照大神と彼女の他の兄弟、スサノオの間で長年のライバル関係を語る。彼はイザナギの命によって天を去ろうとしたとき、彼は彼の妹の別れを告げるために行きました。アマテラスは不審だったが、スサノオは、彼の誠実さを証明するための課題を提案したとき、彼女は承諾した。それらの各々は、他の年代とその産みの神と女神からのオブジェクトを取った。彼は彼女のネックレスから5人を産みながら、アマテラスはスサノオの剣から3人の女性をbirthed。彼らは彼女のネックレスから生まれたので、神は彼女のものだった、と女神が彼だったと主張して、彼女は彼のアイテムは、女性を作り出したように、彼女は、チャレンジに勝ったことを決めた。 2は時間のためのコンテンツだったが、彼女の兄は落ち着かないようになり、天照大神の水田を破壊し、暴れ回って、彼女の織機でflayedポニーを投げつける、と怒りに駆られ、彼女の従者の1を殺す。怒りと悲しみにあ​​った天照大神は、このように効果的に長期間の日を隠し、AMA-NO-岩戸( "天の岩の洞窟")の内側に隠した。彼女は洞窟を離れるよう説得されたが、スサノオは天から追放されることで罰せられた。スサノオは彼女に和解の贈り物として草薙の森剣の刀を与えたときに両方の後に彼らの葛藤を改正した。

他の神を排除してアマテラスの崇拝は "太陽のカルト"として記載されています[3]このフレーズはまた、日自体の早期プレarchipelagoan礼拝を参照することができます[3]
結婚したことを、彼らは両方の地球上のすべての要素を制御することができます不思議な力の生まれた子孫であった。が、子孫の松井一族は二人だけが生き残った。すべての子孫松井一族は覆面忍者灰色の夜のグループによって虐殺されているので。大虐殺の時にRyuzaki Naufal松井Jurina Matsui.Toという名前の2つの子供たちが、東と西に分かれているそれらのセキュリティを確保するために生まれた。 Ryuzaki Naufal松井は日本では愛知県に送られ、中国南部の雲南region.while Jurinaに送信されます。
これは松井一族のうち、残りの二人の子供です。 そして、それらは目の力を持っていると噂されては非常に強力です。

[Latest Guide] 2012 Anime, Manga, Cosplay Conventions around the World!

[Latest Guide] 2012 Anime, Manga, Cosplay Conventions around the World!

1. Anime Expo
Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2011, the Anime Expo in Los Angeles is the biggest anime convention in North America. Visitors come not only from the USA, but from all over the world, attracted by the cosplay events, concerts, and other shows taking place simultaneously at numerous venues day and night. Guests are invited from the Japanese and American anime industries each year to what is proving to be an extremely exciting summer anime festival. While taking an avant-garde look at the latest Japanese subcultures, such as maid cafés, Doujinshi self-published works, video games, and karaoke, it also offers a broad overview of Japanese culture from traditional dances to outdoor food stalls. One of the highlights of the 2011 expo was the vocaloid singer Hatsune Miku's concert "MIKUNOPOLIS!". Her first live performance overseas was so popular and the tickets sold out within a week. The Anime Expo is also known as "AX."

City: Los Angeles, USA
Dates: Four days at the beginning of July
No. of visitors: Approx. 125,000
Venue: Los Angeles Convention Center
Hosted by: Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA)
Characteristics: Largest manga anime expo in North America, with numerous anime related exhibits and many cosplayers. Visitors range widely in age, and the presence of family groups is noticeable. The event also presents a traditional side of Japanese culture.
Past guests: Actress Saki Aibu, pop idol group AKB48, and animation director Kenji Kamiyama(Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Eden of the East)
Guests in 2011: Manga artist Izumi Matsumoto (Kimagure Orange Road), game director Kenta Sugano (Record of Agarest War), and voice actress Miyuki Sawashiro (anime Durarara!!)

2. New York Comic Con, New York Anime Festival
The New York Comic Con (NYCC) marked its sixth anniversary in 2011. Originally a three-day event, it has since stretched to four days, and is becoming a prominent presence on the American pop culture scene with more than 700 exhibiting companies and 400 artists participating.
In 2010, the comic-oriented NYCC merged with the New York Anime Festival, which focuses more on anime and manga, to become a single comprehensive anime event and the largest anime manga festival on the East Coast.

City: New York, USA
Dates: Four days around October
No. of visitors: Approx. 105,000
Venue: Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
Hosted by: Reed Exhibitions
Characteristic: Distinguishes itself as a comprehensive event incorporating American comics and wide-ranging Japanese culture genres. Focuses not only on entertainment but features academic aspects as well.
Past guests: Rock band Boom Boom Satellites, voice actress Minori Chihara (anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya), director (game designer) Hiroyuki Ito (Final Fantasy XII (FFXII)), CEO of Crypton Future Media (Hatsune Miku) Hiroyuki Ito, and chief editor of Weekly ASCII Toshihiro Fukuoka Guests in 2011: Voice actress Junko Takeuchi (anime NARUTO), manga artist Hiro Mashima (anime Fairy Tail), director Makoto Shinkai (anime film Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below), and screenwriter Dai Sato


3. Otakon

The Otakon in Baltimore celebrated its 18th year in 2011. This growing convention has gone from 350 visitors when it began in 1994 to more than 30,000 in 2011. The Otakon covers the full spectrum of otaku subculture with many exhibits not only of anime, but American comics, figures, fantasy films, and other comics as well. This otaku festival also attracts people from the nearby cities of New York, Washington, and Philadelphia. In Baltimore, the Otakon is noted as a peaceful event since local crime rates go down during the festival period.

City: Baltimore, USA
Dates: Three days at the end of July
No. of visitors: Approx. 30,000
Venue: Baltimore Convention Center
Hosted by: Otakorp, Inc.
Characteristic: Boasts a high advanced cosplayer attendance, attracting anime fans from all over the East Coast. A multifaceted otaku subculture convention.
Past guests: Rap group HOME MADE Kazoku, animation director Masashi Ishihama (anime film The Girl Who Leapt Through Time), and voice actress Kikuko Inoue (anime Captain Tsubasa)
Guests in 2011: Male singing duo CHEMISTRY, producer Atsuhiro Iwakami (anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica), and animation director Noboru Ishiguro (anime The Super Dimension Fortress Macross)

Official site: Otakon

4. Japan Expo
The Japan Expo in Paris celebrated its 12th anniversary in 2011. Although the latest manga, anime, and video games are the main attractions, the Japan Expo showcases Japanese culture as a whole, featuring pop culture such as manga cafes, visual rock concerts, Gothic Lolita fashion, Harajuku style, miscellaneous goods, and toys, along with the more traditional aspects of Japanese calligraphy, martial arts, shogi, or origami. It is also known for inviting many prominent guests such as pop idols Morning Musume and Puffy AmiYumi, and manga artist Tsukasa Hojo. In addition to the French, numerous visitors come from neighboring countries such as Italy, Germany, and Spain. The event attracted 3,200 visitors in its first year, but grew to more than 190,000 by 2011, making this one of the largest Japan festivals in the world.
In addition, a sister exhibition called Japan Expo Sud has been held in Marseille, France, at the beginning of March each year since 2009.

City: Paris, France
Dates: Four days at the beginning of July (July 5 to 8 in 2012)
No. of visitors: Approx. 192,000
Venue: Parc des Expositions de Paris-Nord Villepinte
Hosted by: SEFA EVENT
Characteristic: World's largest Japanese culture exhibition. While other festivals focus on anime and manga, the Expo also provides a cross section of Japanese culture including martial arts, Japanese cuisine, and tea ceremonies.
Past guests: Manga artist Tsukasa Hojo (Cat's Eye and City Hunter), pop idol group Morning Musume, female singing duo Puffy AmiYumi, and producer Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid game series) Guests in 2011: Manga artist Yumiko Igarashi (Candy Candy), video game music composer Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill), and female singer SHANTI  (Related article:
Guests for 2012: Manga artist Naoki Urasawa (Monster)

5. Salon del Manga
Marking its 17th anniversary in 2011, the Salon del Manga in Barcelona originally focused on manga from around the world. Lately, however, like the Japan Expo in Paris, it has been eagerly introducing Japanese culture in general along with Japanese anime, manga, and video games. In Europe, the Salon del Manga is second in size only to the Japan Expo. The anime boom in Spain today has its roots in the animated programs aired on television in the 1970s such as Heidi, Girl of the Alps3000 Leagues in Search of Mother, and Dog of Flanders.
The event's biggest highlight is the Spanish World Cosplay Summit (WCS), which decides the Spanish finalist for the WCS in Nagoya, generating a frenzy of excitement every year.

City: Barcelona, Spain
Dates: Three days at the end of October
No. of visitors: Approx. 70,000
Venue: La Farga
Hosted by: FICOMIC (Federation of Catalan publishers, booksellers, and distributors associations)
Characteristic: In addition to manga from around the world, introduces Japanese culture in general, including Japanese language, karaoke, cuisine, and traditional dance.
Past guests: Animation director Kenji Kamiyama (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Eden of the East), manga artist Taiyo Matsumoto (Hana OtokoTekkon Kinkreet and Ping Pong), and Kawaii Ambassador of Harajuku fashion Yu Kimura
Guests in 2011: Animation director Keiichi Hara (Crayon Shin-chan films and Summer Days with Coo) and manga artist Kazue Kato (manga Robo to Usakichi and Blue Exorcist)

6. World Cosplay Summit Brazil--Etapa JBC Brasil
The World Cosplay Summit Brazil in Sao Paulo marked its 6th year in 2011. This competition determines the Brazilian finalist for the annual World Cosplay Summit (WCS) championship held in Nagoya, Japan. Cosplayers who have won regional rounds all over Brazil come to the event on the last day of the Japan Festival (Festival do Japao), which has been held for three days in July every year since 2010. Since Brazil has the largest Japanese community outside of Japan, more than 200,000 people come to the Japan Festival. In 2011, a booth called Akiba Space was set up in the festival venue to introduce Japanese pop culture. In the same year, JBC Publishing and the Japan Foundation, Sao Paulo hosted the "Tokyo Fashion Festa Sao Paulo" (a fashion show showcasing Gothic Lolita fashion, schoolgirl uniforms, Gyaru fashion, and casual kimonos from Japan) in between the cosplay events.

City: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dates: Last day of the Japan Festival (held for three days in July)
No. of visitors: Approx. 210,000 (for the Japan Festival in total)
Venue: Centro de Exposicoes Imigrantes
Hosted by: JBC Publishing Characteristic: Largest cosplay contest in Brazil, held on the last day of the Japan Festival (Festival do Japao).

Project affiliated with The Japan Foundation
Kawaii Ambassador in Brazil
As a part of missions to introduce Japanese culture, model Misako Aoki and content media producer Takamasa Sakurai visited cities around Brazil to talk about Japanese pop culture.

7. Anime Friends
The Anime Friends event in Sao Paulo celebrated its 9th anniversary in 2011, with stalls selling anime goods and comics, a karaoke competition, cosplay contest and other events. The main event is the live concert, "Super Friends Spirits", featuring artists singing theme songs for Japanese anime or action superhero television programs. Anime Friends invites many guests every year and the excitement continues well into the night.

City: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dates: Three days in July
No. of visitors: Approx. 130,000
Venue: Mart Center
Hosted by: Yamato Corporation
Characteristic: A giant anime convention, especially known for concerts featuring Japanese anime songs and visual rock bands.
Past guests: Hironobu Kageyama (singer of the theme song of Dragon Ball Z), Masaaki Endoh,Masami Okui, and others.
Guests in 2011: Akira Kushida (singer of the theme song of Kinnikuman), visual rock singer Kaya, and top Japanese anime song rock band Psychic Lover

8. Japan Anime Festival
The Japan Anime Festival in Beijing and Shanghai started in 2011. The objective is to boost cultural relations between the two countries, with Japan Film Weeks organized to introduce Japanese films in Beijing and Shanghai, followed by an event in Japan in October showcasing Chinese films, television programs, and animation. The Voice Rainbow voice actor festival and Anison (anime song) concerts delighted crowds. Ten of the latest anime films were screened the first year: Welcome to the Space ShowEvangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) AloneGintama Shinyaku Benizakura-hen, Crayon Shin-chan: The Storm Called: Operation Golden SpyHutch the HoneybeeThe Disappearance of Haruhi SuzumiyaThe Prince of Tennis: Eikoku-shiki Teikyu-jo Kessen!Doraemon: Nobita and the New Steel Troops--Angel WingsNaruto Shippuden: the MovieHeartCatch PreCure! the Movie: Fashion Show in the Flower Capital... Really?!All of them were shown for the first time in China.

City: Beijing and Shanghai, China
Dates: Two weeks from the end of November in Beijing
One week from the end of November in Shanghai
Hosted by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and others
Characteristic: First anime manga festival of this scale in China. Focused on anime film screenings, sales of goods, and presentation of anime songs. With very few cosplayers, the event is more like a film or music festival.
Guests in Beijing: Bless 4Mayumi GojoPsychic LoverNozomu Sasaki, Isao Taira, Satoko YamanoToshihiko Seki (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED), Tetsuya Kakihara (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann), and Japan Audio Producers' Association director and 81 produce CEO Michiyoshi Minamisawa
Guests in Shanghai: May'nYui MakinoTezuka Productions CEO Takayuki Matsutani, and Keiichi Hara (Crayon Shin-chan and Summer Days with Coo)

©Record China
9. Anime Convention
The Anime Convention is the first large-scale anime convention in India, featuring a cosplay contest, screenings of popular anime works (including Chibi Maruko-chanGalaxy Express 999Mind Game, and Miyori no Mori), manga drawing classes, and presentations of video games and Japanese food.

City: New Delhi, India
Dates: Three days in mid-September
No. of visitors: Approx. 20,000
Venue: Marwah Studios of Noida Film City
Hosted by: The Japan Foundation
Guests: Animation scholar and critic Nobuaki Doi

10. Animania
The Animania festival in Sydney marked its 10th year in 2011, presenting a comprehensive look at Japanese culture from the latest anime and manga to cosplay contests, karaoke, dance, video game competitions, illustration contests, and origami workshops. Complete with Takoyaki and Yakisoba food stalls, the hosts succeed in creating the atmosphere of a Japanese Omatsuri (festival). The event is held in Sydney and Melbourne in March, and on a larger scale in Brisbane and Sydney in September.

City: Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, Australia
Dates: March and mid-September
Venue: Australian Technology Park
Hosted by: Aurora Entertainment Pty Ltd.
Characteristic: Held in cities around Australia, giving a comprehensive look at Japanese culture in an Omatsuri atmosphere.

11. Romics
The Romics event in Rome celebrated its 11th year in 2011. It is a festival that covers the full range of Japanese pop culture from comics to anime, films, video games, and doujinshi self-published works. Since it also includes the Italian World Cosplay Summit finals, most visitors are cosplayers. In Italy, Japanese anime is widely known thanks to Galaxy Express 999 and other anime programs that have been on television for many years.

City: Rome, Italy
Dates: Four days in early October
No. of visitors: Approx. 120,000
Venue: Nuova Fiera di Roma
Hosted by: I Castelli Animati
Characteristic: A convention on Japanese pop culture as well as anime and manga from all over the world.

© Fabiohazard Photo
12. J-FEST Festival of Contemporary Japanese Culture
The J-FEST festival of contemporary Japanese culture was held in Moscow in 2011 as a renewed version of the J-POP FEST festival of Japanese pop culture that had been held twice before. The J-FEST event was hosted by Japan in appreciation of Russia's huge support in the recovery efforts after the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011.
In addition to a photo exhibition illustrating the recovery in Tohoku, butoh performances, and visual art exhibitions, it also provided a diverse program introducing the contemporary subculture in Japan through a Harajuku and Lolita fashion show, anime film screenings, concerts by J-POP artists, a national cosplay championship, and lectures on contemporary Japanese culture.

City: Moscow, Russia
Dates: November 19 to 20, 2011
No. of visitors: Approx. 13,000
Venue: CDH (Central House of Artists)
Characteristic: A convention on Japanese pop culture, not focused on but including anime. Similar to anime events in Japan. Japanese schoolgirl uniforms and maid-cafes.
Guests: Female singer May J., male singer KAN, and Anison singer Halko Momoi

13. Japan: Kingdom of Characters Exhibition
The "Japan: Kingdom of Characters" exhibition was held in Budapest. Guided tours were given at various times during the event with the help of the Hungarian Anime Association, and young anime and manga fans flocked to the event. Particularly popular were anime character figures that are rarely seen here, a room filled with Hello Kitty goods, full-size figures of Evangelion and Gundam, and life-size panels of schoolgirls, while a display of manga and figures owned by the anime association also attracted a great deal of interest.

City: Budapest, Hungary
Dates: January 14 to February 14, 2011
No. of visitors: Approx. 4,800
Venue: Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism

©Tezuka Productions/Mushi Production/©Fujio Productions/©Tsuburaya Productions/©FUJIKO STUDIO©HIKARI PRO./©Fujiko-Pro, Shogakukan, TV-Asahi, Shin-ei and ADK/©SATORU TSUDA/©SOTSU-SUNRISE/©Rumiko Takahashi/ShogakukanWeekly Shonen Sunday/©LOTTE / BIKKURIMAN PROJECT
14. Japan
[World Cosplay Summit (WCS)]
The World Cosplay Summit in Nagoya celebrated its 9th anniversary in 2011. Starting in 2003, the event has featured international championships since 2005, where finalists from around the world test their mettle in performances on stage. The objective of the event is to provide an opportunity for Japanese and international cosplayers to meet, and to raise awareness of the popularity of Japanese manga overseas.
With the participation of 17 countries from around the world in 2011, the WCS has grown into an event that boasts hundreds of thousands of participants counting the preliminary rounds in each country.

City: Nagoya, Japan
Dates: First half of August
No. of visitors: Approx. 30,000
Venue: Oasis 21
Organized by: Aichi Television Broadcasting
Characteristic: World's largest cosplay event
Past guests: Manga artists Go Nagai (Devilman and Mazinger Z) and Monkey Punch (Lupin III)
Guests in 2011: Voice actor Toru Furutani (Mobile Suit Gundam and Saint Seiya) and anime song group JAM Project

Official site: World Cosplay Summit

[Comic Market (Comiket)]
The Comic Market (known as Comiket) held at Tokyo Big Sight opened for the 81st time in 2011. Hosted by the Comic Market Preparations Committee, it is the world's largest market for self-published works (Doujinshi). With each year the Comiket has grown larger and more widely known among the general public. In the summer of 2009, as many as 560,000 people visited in three days.
The Comiket is the world's largest market for self-published works and one of the largest indoor events (including exhibitions) not only in Japan but also the world. What puts the Comiket in a separate class from the many other self-published book markets is that it is a huge sales exhibition that attracts groups of all genres.
At the Comiket, fans of all descriptions exhibit and distribute their work, and interact with each other. Besides manga, anime, and games, people may also exhibit pop music or pop idol fanzines, Gothic Lolita and cosplay costumes, hand-made accessories, self-made hardware, dolls made by doll makers, and self-published works regarding the little-known daily lives of specialists (such as teachers, nurses, pilots, railway employees, and engineers), or works about pets, gardening, tea, and other hobbies. Comiket has become a meeting place for the various subcultures of contemporary Japan.

City: Tokyo, Japan
Dates: Mid-August and end of December
No. of visitors: Approx. 500,000
No. of exhibitors: Approx. 35,000 groups
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight
Hosted by: Comic Market Preparations Committee

Official site: Comic Market

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